Thursday, March 17, 2016


Spiritualism is another of several religions that exist in the world. She believes that there is another world, where spirits live and we can talk to them through people who develop certain technique . These people are called mediums and one of the most known people of Brazil for having this gift, is Chico Xavier . Did you know that this medium had a scary prediction for the year 2019 ?

First to contextualize is forecast , a friend of Chico called Geraldo Lemos Neto, had a conversation with him before the medium's death . Chico says he had several conversations with spiritualist entities that could see the future in several years forward. To prove that this could really be true, Geraldo says in a book called " Spiritualism and great transitions ' , a psychic had already agreed that man would go to the moon.

The forecast

To start all the talk , spiritualism believes in various entities of the Catholic religion . One of them is Jesus and it was precisely he who makes all predictions to the world in 2019. We do not know if Chico spoke directly to him or heard the story of another spiritual being who had also heard these predictions .

Chico Xavier tells how one of the first things that Jesus would have given the earth a maximum period of 50 years for her to come in peace , if this does not happen, the world would suffer for it. To be sure , the world could not go to war again and the trigger for the wrath of Jesus , would be World War III . If this great war did not happen , the world would also be rewarded , that is , don't there are only bad things in this forecast.

Source: Fatos Desconhecidos


You know those desires that you have when you're a person, but do not have courage, it is not very comfortable to ask or talk good about to happen ? In many relationships , such desire happens. Sometimes a person wants more affection, attention , whether the person is present in day - to-day desires are many.

And at a forum on relationships on Reddit site , our newsroom gathered some testimonials about what some girlfriends would like in their partners and partners, but they will never ask them / it because of not feeling comfortable it etc.

Check there are some things they would like to say , but never had the courage. Perhaps you can even help in your relationship.

1 - They want to be touched 
They want their boyfriends to touch more so not thought but spontaneous . And that at various times , such as when you are watching a movie at home close together , for example. They like and want them to talk looking into the eyes , holding hands , showing safety and reliability. 

2 - They want to be Surprised 
Girlfriends want you to surprise them , make a surprise , change the routine , do something different and unexpected. You need not be every day , but a little that is already worth it. 

3 - They want more romance 
They want to , but will not ask you, then gets the message . They want more romance. No need to open the door and throw a red carpet for the girlfriends go , but what about dealing with more attention , love, showing kindness and treating her like a princess ? Try it! 

4 - They want to be loved in front of your friends too 
Love a person is not only when you are in your intimate moments between four walls at home or on a romantic walk . They want you to demonstrate this when also is with your friends and friends , the head of the review, the college friend . Show love at all times .

5 - Gifts 
This is good and everyone likes to win, right? And with a girlfriend, this is no different . They want to win this one , get something new . And we're not just talking about material things , no, they want a nice dinner, a nice place , a souvenir handmade. 

6 - Password of social networks 
A dating is built on trust, friendship , partnership and a lot of understanding . And when this is accomplished , they seek reliable basis in the relationship. And it also relates to social networks. As a sign of confidence , many couples share the password for your social networks. Ever experienced? 

7 - They want to go out more and more that you arrange for them 
More meetings , more time together , more places to visit , more friends and friends getting visits. But of course , you with that outfit more ajeitadinha and no shirt or rumpled jeans , huh ! What a girl wants, but does not have the courage to ask ? Send your comment to us!


Bible is any work that is recognized authority on the subject learned. The history of the most popular human Bible is a collection of religious texts of sacred value to Christianity, which is divided into old and new testaments. The before and after Christ.

Not only the Christian Bible brings determinations and commandments. Here are the facts you read about the 10 commandments of every religion, the religion which is a goddess and loves chaos and 7 things that the Catholic Church banned throughout history.

Now follow the 10 things forbidden by the Old Testament that even Christians do.

1- ostentation
1 Timothy 2: 9 - "[...] That the same way, women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with modesty and sobriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly array"

2- Tattoos
Leviticus 19:28 - "Do not make cuts in their bodies for the dead or tattoo themselves. I am the Lord. "

3- Genetic crosses and textiles
Leviticus 19:19 - "Obey my laws. Do not cross different species of animals, not to plant two kinds of seeds in his field, do not use clothes made with two types of tissue. "

4- If divorce
1 Corinthians 7: 10-11 - "To the married I give this charge: the woman, not separate from her husband and the husband should not divorce his wife."

5- If remarry
Mark 10: 11-2 - "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. And if she divorces her husband and marries another, commits adultery. "

6- Women speak in church
1 Corinthians 14:34 - "Let your women keep silence in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak; but be under obedience, as also saith the law. "

7- Cut the hair or trim his beard
Leviticus 19:27 - Do not cut off your hair, round the corners of your heads, nor mar the edges of your beard. "

8- Do not eat certain seafood
Leviticus 11:12 - "Everything that has no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you."

9- Gossip
Leviticus 19:16 - "Do not spread calumnies among his people. Do not stand up against the life of your neighbor. "

10- Being gay
Leviticus 18: 22-23 - "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination. "