Thursday, March 17, 2016


Spiritualism is another of several religions that exist in the world. She believes that there is another world, where spirits live and we can talk to them through people who develop certain technique . These people are called mediums and one of the most known people of Brazil for having this gift, is Chico Xavier . Did you know that this medium had a scary prediction for the year 2019 ?

First to contextualize is forecast , a friend of Chico called Geraldo Lemos Neto, had a conversation with him before the medium's death . Chico says he had several conversations with spiritualist entities that could see the future in several years forward. To prove that this could really be true, Geraldo says in a book called " Spiritualism and great transitions ' , a psychic had already agreed that man would go to the moon.

The forecast

To start all the talk , spiritualism believes in various entities of the Catholic religion . One of them is Jesus and it was precisely he who makes all predictions to the world in 2019. We do not know if Chico spoke directly to him or heard the story of another spiritual being who had also heard these predictions .

Chico Xavier tells how one of the first things that Jesus would have given the earth a maximum period of 50 years for her to come in peace , if this does not happen, the world would suffer for it. To be sure , the world could not go to war again and the trigger for the wrath of Jesus , would be World War III . If this great war did not happen , the world would also be rewarded , that is , don't there are only bad things in this forecast.

Source: Fatos Desconhecidos

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